Your health and safety is paramount whilst using the gym. The following explains what this means to you and your gym, and what we are doing to keep you safe:
We have the ability to contact trace and know who is in our facility at any time when you scan your membership card on arrival. - Please ensure you can scan-in. We also have Government QR codes available to scan on entry.
Please note, the gym is considered a business, not a social gathering therefore Group Fitness class sizes have been changed in accordance with government guidelines and social distancing.
Group fitness classes (with the exception of Aquafit, Swimfit and gym floor) must be booked via our online booking system. Click here if you haven’t activated your online account.
Please respect government guidelines in regard to social distancing in the facility.
Where possible please limit the use of the gym change rooms to the use of the toilets and handwashing. We encourage you to shower and change at home.
Hallway markings for entry and exit.
In peak times the mezzanine floor space may be closed for Personal Trainer’s use only.
A visible cleaning schedule and additional cleaning of equipment remain in place.
We kindly ask you to wash your hands before entering the gym.
Please – No sweat towel, no workout.
Please wipe down your equipment after use with the wipes provided.
If you have compromised immunity or feeling unwell, we kindly ask you to stay at home.
Face masks are welcomed if you feel more comfortable wearing one.
As always, we will continue to keep you updated on any changes to the situation as soon as possible. Please know that all of these health and safety procedures are in guidance to keep you safe to train! Please be patient and kind as we navigate our way through this time.
-The Team at Northern Arena