This is an Odds and Evens Burpee Challenge. For those that know me this is by far my favourite exercise! This is a simple but very effective under 30 min workout. Remember you can take out the Chest to Floor in the Burpee if you choose. 4 exercises / 20-1 ladder down / 30 min On the Even Numbers i.e 20/18/16 reps etc, complete CTF Burpees On the Odd Numbers i.e 19/17/15 reps etc, complete In Out Press Up, Full Situp and Run of your choice 10 Shuttles/Run down the driveway/Run around the house. 1. CTF Burpees 2. In Out Press Ups 3. Full Situp 4. Run
Workout At Home - Burpee Challenge
Updated: Jan 21, 2021