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Covid-19 Coronavirus - What we are doing

What we are doing to prioritise your health and safety at Northern Arena.

We have always taken great pride in keeping the hygiene standards high at our facility for you, our customer. To make sure we can keep on serving you to the standard you love and expect, we have implemented extra cleaning procedures on top of our already strict cleaning and sanitising plan, to ensure the facility is cleaned more frequently and with extra care.

Like other businesses tackling this issue, we’re being guided by the Ministry of Health, which recommends regular cleaning as one of the most important preventive measures we can take.

We’re equally committed to caring for our team who are in close contact with you all, with up-to-the-moment guidance and information so they can keep themselves and their families safe.

Please be assured we will be taking every possible step to make sure you can continue to enjoy our services. As circumstances continue to develop, the health, safety and wellbeing of you, our customers, team members and communities is our highest priority.


The Team at Northern

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